Sunday 13 November 2011

Christopher Nolan

Debate and polemic
-          ‘rage and reason in a world of manifestos
-          Demonstrate an understanding of different attitudes towards their chosen topic
-          Reflect critically on how their topic has affected their international perspective with regard to future work or career
-          1500 – 2000 word written text as pdf
-          Understanding, contextual and historical aspects
-          Understand and appreciate different attitudes towards and opinions on issues of critical consequence
-          Think of themselves and work as a part of an international design communication industry
-          Enhance their abilities to conduct relevant research and apply a variety of research techniques
-          Analysis of their topic as debate or polemic

By Christopher Nolan
-          Began making film at  a young age filming male-action figures
-          Graduated to making films involving real people
-          Studied English literature while start making films at the college film society
-          Top favourite movies, action figures astronomy, slow trailers, lonely travellers as the main character an individual, secrets
o   2001: A space odyssey_1968, alien, space walking gravitation
o   The Black Hole_1979, Disney, time and space,
o   Blade Runner_1982, sci-fi futuristic, replicants
o   Chinatown_1974, feminine fatal , mission/job to spy and gets backstab
o   The Hitcher_1986, psychological, being framed
o   Lawrence of Arbia_1962, traveller,  two civilisation, gain freedom
o   On her Majesty’s Secret Service_1969, james bond, secrets agent on missions
o   Star Wars: IV – A New Hope_1977, Luke sky walker faces his father , the series becomes a loop, space, darkness, kills his own father, marries a princess has children then goes to the dark side where it repeats.
o   The Man who would be king_1975,
o   Topkapi_1964, feminine fatal, treasures, robbery thieves.
-          Dislike CGI avoided it in Batman Begins
-          Knowledgeable of both cultures UK and states
-          Fan of Radiohead
-          Primary Influences Stanley Kubrick and Ridley Scott
-          Also influence by Alfred Hitchcock, Orson Welles, John Carpenter, Satoshi Kon
-          Father worked as an advertising copywriter
-          Collaborates on film scripts with his brother Jonathan Nolan
-          Interest in botany (scientific study of plants) and dicots (flowering plant) until find interest in camera
-          Dislikes smoking, no main character have been portrayed smoking in his later films

-           A short film, Larceny_1996 contains trait later to be seen in Following_1998 while in UCLU film society. Proposed to make in black and white with restricted cat. Script was sharp, irreverent and clever.

-          Doodlebuy_1997 three minute film about man chasing an insect with a shoe around a grotty(unpleasant) flat, only discovers on killing it that it is a miniature of himself: seconds after he himself is crushed by a larger version of himself. Paradox 

-          Following_1998, a struggling, unemployed writer who is obsessed with following random people, ostensibly to find inspiration for his first novel.  Sets strict rules for him but soon discards them as he focuses on a well-groomed, handsome man in a dark suit named ‘cobb’. Reveals he is a serial burglar. The material the young man gain from these crimes seem to be of secondary importance to cobb, who takes pleasure in rifling through the personal items in his target’s flat and drinking their wine.  He explains that his true passion is using the shock of robbery and violation of property to make his victims re-examine their lives. ‘You take it away, and show them what they had’. Young man is thrilled by Cobb’s lifestyle.  The young man attempts to break in on his own.  A women confides that the gangster is blackmailing her with incriminating photographs so the man break into the gangster’s safe but only photos he finds are innocuous (not offensive) modelling shots, and before leaving he bludgeons (used a weapon) an unidentified man with a hammer who had seen him taking the photos and also a large sum of cash. The blond women and Cobb have been manipulating the young man into mimicking Cobb’s methods to frame him for Cobb’s recent murder charge.   Cobb is actually working for the gangster who the female has a relationship with. In order to stop the female from blackmailing the gangster with evidence from a recent murder Cobb kills her using the same weapon marked by the young man’s fingerprints. Framed for the blonde’s murder which was Cobb’s plan all along. Drawn into criminal distance.  Scenes are shown out of chorological order.
-          reflected the audience’s inherent uncertainty about character in film noir: ‘ in a compelling story of this genre we are continually being asked to rethink our assessment of the relationship between the various characters, and I decided to structure my story in such a way as to emphasize the audience’s incomplete understanding of each new scene as it is first presented’
-          ‘As a psychological mystery it plays persuasive if not profoundly. Nolan relishes the sheer nastiness he keeps stirred up ‘ from Los Angeles times review Kevin Thomas
-          Jonathan ‘I’ve always suspected that it has something to do with the fact that he’s left-handed and I’m right-handed, because he’s somehow able to look at my ideas and flip them around in a way that’s just a little bit more twisted and interesting’
-          He would pen Interstellar, a science fiction film based on the theories of kip Thorne, theoretical physicist known for his prolific contributions in gravitation physics and astrophysics and having trained a generation of scientists.  (2007)
-          Co-written the screenplays for The Prestige_2006 and The Dark Knight_2008
-          Memento_2000 is based on the short story Memento Mori publish in 2001 written by Jonathan. Follows widower who suffers a head injury and is unable to form new memories. He uses notes and tattoos to keep track of information. The story jumps between two time-frames. The first is the main confide to a mental institution told via notes to him, the second is after his escape told as a third-person narrative.  Got the idea from his general psychology class who pitched his idea to Christopher.
-           In keeping with this inability to know what has just happened before, the film’s narrative structure runs in reserve (flashback sequence).  
-          Non-linear (not straight) narrative structure and themes of memory, perception (ability to see, hear or become aware of something), grief, self-deception (action of allowing once self believe that a false) and revenge.
-          Started developed Polaroid photograph of a man shot in the head. Leonard has anterograde amnesia result of an attack by two men in his home, killed to attacker who raped and strangled his wife, but the second attackers clubbed him in the head and escaped. Believe the second attacker is white name john last name starts with G. strange case of Sammy Janik. Leonard investigates Sammy during his job as an insurance investigator before the attack. Sammy appeared to have anterograde amnesia after a car accident, but since Sammy could not learn through conditioning, Leonard indicates that he believed that Sammy‘s condition must be psychological rather than physical. Leonard explains how Sammy’s diabetic wife conducted her own experiment to try to test Sammy hoping that Sammy would remember the previous injection. She fell into a coma and died. Leonard gets a tattoo based on instructions to him, identifying ‘john G’. Teddy is an undercover officer and has been helping Leonard with his investigation, found Leonard’s ‘john G is Natalie’s boyfriend direct Leonard to an abandoned building outside town which Leonard kill teddy . Jimmy was john G. teddy eventually indicates that together, they had already found and Leonard killed ‘the real john’ more than a year ago. Teddy claims that Leonard has confused elements of his own life with that of Sammy, explaining Sammy was a con man a faker who had no wife and that Leonard own wife actually survived the attack and was herself diabetic. Teddy accuses Leonard of deliberately creating an unsolvable puzzle to give himself purpose. In a conscious deliberate decision, leonard burns the photograph of jimmy’s body and writes down teddy’s license plate number as a ‘fact’ to be tattooed on himself as the second attacker’s plate number. Leonard throws teddy’s key into a bush and drives off in jimmy’s car.
-          Leonard’s wife did not die by being murder but survived the attack and was overdose. Leonard believed the second attack is named john G and believed Teddy was the attack but is actually jimmy was john G.
-          Insomina_2002  remake of the 1997 Norwegian film. A teenager is found murdered, a two detective investigates. Eckhart has a testimony regarding to one of Dormer’s past case. Dormer plans to lurk the murderer back to the scene however kills Eckhart who believed that dormer shot him to prevent him from testifying. Dormer alters the crime scene. Burr a young officer, dormer’s fan is put in charge of this investigation.  Dormer uses his influence and reputation to try and mislead her into believing the suspect killed echkart. Dormer starts his insomnia, received an anonymous phone call from the suspect claims to have witness dormer kill his partner. The teenager was a fan of crime writer Finch and believes that he was somehow involved. Finch offers dormer a deal to frame Kay’s abusive boyfriend Stetz for murder in exchange for Finich’s silence about Eckhart shooting. Finch, Kay’s death was an ‘accident’ he beat her to death in a blind rage after she laughed at him for making a pass at her. Finch gave a flase testimony under dormer’s order. To blame Stetz. Finch offer to give burr letter indicating that randy abused Kay. Reveals  he fabricated evidence to help convict a pedophile he was certain was guilty of murdering a child, and who would have been set free if Eckhart had testified. Bur is struck by Finch. Dormer fatigued fights Finch off is gunpoint by Burr, killing Finch and mortally wounding Dormer. ‘just let me sleep’ as dormer dies.
-          Psychological drama. Putting the actor in darkness or light. ‘I said, when you’re in the shadows, you’ll be catching the ambient bounce. If you move forward, you’ll be in this nuclear, bright melting light. He knew exactly how to play it’
-          Batman trilogy- Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and the dark knight rises.
-          The Prestige_2006 adaptation of the Christopher priest novel about two rival magicians in the 19th century. Co-writer by Jonathan. Revolves around the intense professional rivalry between two stage illusionists, their desire to develop better tricks than the other draws them into a battle of skill and technology dominated by obsession, secrecy and duality.
-          Mystery thriller film. Borden accused to have killed Angier. During an act involving Angier’s wife, Angier believed Borden is responsible for her death. Aniger’s assistant is Olivia. Borden marries Sarah. Borden new illusion ’the transported man’ insisting he used a double. Angier hires Root to be a double and sends Olivia to Borden in order to seduce him and discover his secret however falls for him and leaves Angier. Angier and cutter kidnap Fallon and bury him alive in order to find Borden’s secret. Borden’s relationship with Olivia leads to Sarah hanging herself. Angier tries the act however drowns. Cutter catches Borden and is convicted of murder. He is visited by lord Caldlow and wishes to purchase all secrets to Bordern’s tricks in exchange adopt and raise his daughter. Border recognizes him as Angier mysteriously returned from the dead. Borden is executed. Angier explains that he had always been Lord Caldlow and had merely pretended to be the American Robert Angier in order to spare his family the embarrassment of his theatrical career. Very-much-alive Borden shoots Angier and reveals he was actually two identical twins who lived as Fallon and Alfred, alternating between each role. One twin was the husband of Sarah alive and other was in love with Olivia dead. Played one individual in like and in the illusions. During the illusion, the machine created a duplicate of Angier, with one falling through a tap door into a locked tank and drowning. The other being teleported to the balcony.
-          Rivalry dominates the film. Obsession, secrecy and sacrifice fuel he battle, as both magicians contribute their fair share to a deadly of one-upmanship, with disastrous results. Angier’s obsession with beating Borden costs him a great deal of money and cutter’s friendship, while providing him with a collection of his own suicide victims.
-          Borden’s obsession with maintain the secrecy of his twin leads Sarah to question their relationship eventually resulting in her suicide. Angier and one of the twins both lose Olivia’s love because of their inhumanity.
-          Complex theme of duality exemplified (typical example) by Angier and Borden, nothing that the film chooses not to depict (show) either magician as good or evil.  Angier’s theft of Borden’s teleportation illusion in the film echoes the many real-world examples of stolen tricks among magician. Citing the muder/suicide disposition of Angier’s duplicates and intensified violent acts of revenge and counter-revenge. This ‘relates to a more general alteration in the events and tone of the film’ rather than significantly changing the underlying themes.
-          Angier’s technological solution- which suggests art as sacrifice, a phoenix-like death of the self
-          Borden’s more meat-and-potatoes form of stagecraft embodies the divide between the artist and the social being.
-          Inception described as ‘a contemporary sci-fi actioner set within the architecture of the mind’. Themes of simulation and ‘meta-reality’ exploration of the subjectivity of experience, and questioning the reality of the material world had been explored in the preceding decades and have existed long before in western philosophy and post-modernism. Characters sedate themselves, connect to a machine and can inhabit a shared dream space built by one of them, ‘the architect’. The world is constantly evolving as each character’s movements affect the shared environment.
-          2001 Nolan wrote an 80-page treatment about dream-stealers.
-          -Lucid dreaming, the dreamer can actively participate in and manipulate imaginary experiences in the dream environment, can seem real and vivid.
-          The story originally envisioned as a horror film inspired by concept of lucid dreaming (a dream in which one is awake that one is dreaming) and dream incubation (practiced technique of learning to ‘plant a seed’ in the mind).  
-          Best picture, best original screenplay, best original score, best art direction, best visual effects, best sound editing, best sound mixing and best cinematography.
-          Using two level dream ‘Dream within a dream’
-          Each extractor carries a totem a personalized small object whose behaviour is unpredictable to anyone except its owner, to determine whether they are in another person’s dream.
-          Cobb struggles with memories of his dead wife, Mal who manifest within his dream and tries to sabotage his efforts.
-          Saito can use his influence of allowing Cobb re-enter American to reunite with his children in exchange to preform inception on his vast energy conglomerate of his competitor.
-          Eames, an identity forger, Yusuf a chemist who concocts (combining various ingredients) the powerful sedative (drug taken for calming or sleep-inducing effect) needed to stabilize the three-layered shared dream required for inception and Adriadne, a young architecture student to design the labyrinth(a maze) of the dream landscape.
-          Ariadne learns of the guilt Cobb struggles with from Mal’s suicide and his separation from his children when he fled the country as a fugitive.
-          At each stage, the member of the team who is ‘creating’ the dream remains to generate the ’kick’, while the other member falls asleep within the dream to travel further down into fisher’s subconscious.
-          First level, Yusuf’s dream of a rainy city, the team successfully abduct Fischer but is attacked by projections of Fischer’s militarized subconscious’ which have been trained to hunt and kill extractors. Saito is mortally wounded due to the strength of Yusuf’s sedative, however dying in the dream will send them into Limbo(edges of hell), a deep subconscious level where they may lose their grip on reality and be trapped indefinitely. Eames temporarily takes the appearance of Fischer’s godfather Browning to suggest that he reconsider his opinion of his father’s will. Yusuf remains on the first level while others enter Arthur’s dream taking place in a corporate hotel.
-          They descend to the third dream level, Eame’s dream a snowy mountain fortress designed by Ariadne. Fischer is told that it represents browning’s subconscious, but the team is really accessing Fischer’s subconscious.
-          Yusuf’s evasive driving on the first level manifests as distorted gravity effects on the second, forcing Arthur to improvise a kick using an elevator shaft, and an avalanche on the third.
-          Cobb’s projection of Mal sabotages the plan by shooting Fischer, killing him. Cobb and Ariadne enter Limo to find Fischer and Saito. Cobb confronts his projection of Mal, who tries to convince him to stay with her and his children in Limbo. Rufuses and confesses that he feels he was responsible for Mal’s suicide. Using inception to help her escape from Limbo during a shared dream experience, he inspired in her the idea that her world wasn’t real. Once returned reality, she became convinced that she was still dreaming and needed to die in order to wake up. Writing a letter claiming that Cobb was threatening her to try and convince him to accept their dream state and commit suicide with her. Cobb remains in Limbo to search for Saito.
-          Eames defibrillates (restore normal) Fischer to bring him back up to the third-level. Leaving Cobb behind, the team member escape by riding the kicks back up the levels of the dream.
-          Cobb eventually finds an elderly Saito who has been waiting in Limbo for decades in dream time (just short time in real time), the two help each other to remember their arrangement, and the team awakens on the flight.  Cobb uses his spinning top totem to test reality but is distracted by his children before he can see the result.
-          Arthur ‘the one saying,’okay, you have your vision; now I’m going to figure out how to make all the nuts and bolts work so you can do your thing’’.
-          Wrote inception as a heist film (intricate plot woven around group of people trying to steal something’)  even though he found that ‘traditionally they are very deliberately superficial in emotional term.’ Decided that basing it in that genre did not work because the story ‘relies so heavily on the idea of interior state, the idea of dream and memory. I realised I needed to raise the emotional stakes’ work on the script for 9-10 years. Influences by ‘that era of movies where you had The Matrix_1999, you had Dark City_1998, you had The Thirteenth Floor_1999 and to a certain extent, you had Memento_200 too. They were based in the principles that the world around you might not be real.
-          Dark City_1998 a man suffering from amnesia who finds himself accused of murder. 
-          The Thirteenth Floor_1999 science fiction film
-          -The Matrix_1999 depicts a future in which reality as perceived by most humans is actually a simulated reality created by sentient machines to pacify and subdue the human population, while their bodies’ heat and electrical activity are used as an energy source. ‘Dream world’ into reality.
-          ‘as soon as you’re talking about dreams, the potential of the human mind is infinite. And so the scale of the film has to feel infinite. It has to feel like you could go anywhere by the end of the film. And it has to work on a massive scale’
-          Wondering what would happen if several people shared the same dream. ‘Once you remove the privacy, you’ve created an infinite number of alternative universe in which people can meaningfully interact, with validity, with weight, with dramatic consequences’
-          DiCaprio ‘intrigued by this concept – this dream-heist notion and how this character’s going to unlock his dreamworld and ultimately affect his real life’
-          Special effects rotated a full 360 degrees to create the effect of lternate direction of gravity for scene set during the seond level of dream: where dream-sector physic become chaotic. The idea was inspired by a technique used in 2001:A space Odyssey_1968. ‘I was interested in taking those ideas, techniques, and philosophies and applying them to an action scenario’
-          -‘ ie was like some incredible torture device; we thrashed Joseph for weeks, but in the end we looked at the footage, and it looks unlike anything any of us has seen before. The rhythm of it is unique, and when you watch it, even if you know how it was done, it confuses you’re perceptions. It’s unsettling in a wonderful way’
-          Used little CGI preferring practical effects whenever possible
-          Themes Reality and Dreams
-          Nolan wanted to explore ‘the idea of people sharing a dream space… the gives you the ability to access somebody’s unconscious mind. What would that be used and abused for?’
-          Plot takes place in these interconnected dream worlds. This structure creates a framework where actions in the real or dream world ripple across others.
-          The dream is always in a state of production, and shifts across the levels as the character navigate it.
-          David Denby compared Nolan’s cinematic treatment of dreams to Luis Buñuel’s work. He criticised Nolan’s ‘literal-minded’ action level sequencing compared to Bunuel, who ‘silently pushed us into reveries (a state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts) and left us alone to enjoy out wonderment, but Nolan is working on so many levels of representation at once that he has to lay in pages of dialogue just to explain what’s going on’  
-          Deirdre Barrett, a dream research said that Nolan did not get every detail accurate regarding dream, but their illogical, rambling, disjointed plots would not make for a great thriller anyway however did get many aspects right. Citing the scene in which a sleeping cobb is shoved into a full bath, and in the dream world water gushes into the windows of the building, waking him up ‘that’s very much how real stimuli get incorporated, and you very often wake up right after that intrusion’.
-          Nolan ‘I tried to work that idea of manipulation and management of conscious dream being a skill that these people have. Really the script is based on those common, very basic experiences and concepts, and where can those take you? And the only outlandish idea that the film presents, really is the experience of technology that allows you to enter and share the same dream someone else.’
-          Dreams and cinema
-          Other argued that the film its itself a metaphor for film-making and the film going experience itself, images flashing before one’s eyes in darkened room, is akin to a dream. In both visual cortex highly active and the prefrontal cortex which deals with logic, deliberate analysis and self-awareness, is quite.
-          Mal relationship with cobb is in his mind, a manifestation of cobb’s own neurosis and fear of how little he knows about the women he loves.
-          Shot of the top wobbling ambiguously, inviting speculation about whether the final sequence was reality or another dream.
-          The film’s script concluded with ‘behind him, on the table, the spinning top is still spinning. And we –fast’. However, Nolan also said, ‘I put that cut there at the end, imposing an ambiguity (uncertain) from the outside the film. That always felt the right ending to me- it always felt like the appropriate ‘kick’ to me.. The real point of the scene- and this is what I tell people- is that Cobb isn’t looking at the top. He’s looking at his kids. He’s left it behind. That’s emotional significance of the thing’
-          Important emotional thing
-          What if those children were projection of his subconscious mind? What about those children in the reality world? To have lost their father to the dream world left fatherless.
-          Film goes against professionals? Questioning their research belief which they have been working for years or decades which they have studies at their profession.
-          Emotional state
-          Having a dream which felt real so when you wake up you feel/have second thoughts on if that was real and panic. Dreams reflect people subconscious thoughts which that they have buried deep within their thoughts.
-          Dreams doesn’t show clearly but creates an event which shadows that thought
-          People research on meanings of what dream actually means
-          You wouldn’t know what’s important once it’s been taken away from you

-          Usually starts films with a flashback or a scene from the end of the movie
-          Endings have recurring theme of justified dishonesty
[ ‘do I lie to myself to be happy’ Memento_2000, ‘wants to be fooled’ The Prestige _2006, ‘deserve to have their faith rewarded’ The Dark Knight_2008]
-          Revolve around character that are afflicted with some kind of psychological disorder
[short-term memory Memento_2000, sleeping disorder Insomnia_2002, phobia of bats Batman begins_2005, dual personality The Dark Knight_2008, not being able to grasp onto reality Inception_2010]
-          Usually involved a determined character seeking vengeance over the death of a loved one
[Memento_2000, Batman Begins_2005, The Prestige_2006, The Dark Knight_2008]
-          All of his films contain a major reference to the film prior to it
-          His protagonists will often resort to tactics of physical or psychological torture to gain information
[uses hallucinogenic fear compound in Batman begins_2005, buries a person alive The Prestige_2006, throws someone off a building breaking his legs, The Dark Knight_2008, drive into oncoming traffic in order to scare the victim Insomnia_2002]
-          Characters in films often gain physical or psychological handicap
[crippled leg and loses two fingers The Prestige_2006, crippled leg The Dark Knight_2008, Insomnia and memory handicap Insomnia_2002]
-          Often have obsessive protagonists with a troubled past, who are obsessed to gain justice by any means in life
-          Lonely troubled protagonist who are unwillingly forced to hide their true identity from the world
-          Ends his films with a character giving philosophical monologue
-          At some crucial moment, feel let down or betrayed by their mentors who they have been following blindly and with respect
[Cheated by cobb Following_1998, discovering the culprit Memento_2000, respected a great detective Insomnia_2001, Confrontation Batman Begins_2005, Not supporting The Prestige_2006]
-          Films’ Protagonists have mostly lost their loved ones or a failed in love, a circumstance that causes them turn into malevolent (wish to do evil to others) or apathetic (showing no interest, enthusiasm or concern)  forever
-          Character who are unreliable narrators
-          Contains blackmail
-          Main character in all his films are primarily driven by an obsession
-          Almost always end with the characters fate open to interpretation
-          Visual scope and heavy emphasis on location and architecture
-          His antagonist (enemy) are often motivated by a philosophical belief rather than money
Personal Quotes
-          ‘the best actor instinctively feel out what the other actors need, and they just accommodate it’ commenting on have distinctively different styles
-          ‘yes, to me that’s one of the most compelling fear in film noir and the psychological thriller genre- that fear of conspiracy. It’s definitely something that I have a fear of –not being in control of your own life. I think that’s something people can relate to, and those genres are most successful when they derive the material from genuine fears that people have’
-          The term’ genre’ eventually becomes pejorative(belittling)  because you’re referring to something that’s so codified and ritualised that it ceases to have the power and meaning it had when it first started. What I’m trying to do is to create modern equivalents (similar effects) that speak to me those tropes that have more of the original power.
-          ‘Alien, Blade Runner just blew me away because they created these extraordinary world that were just completely immersive(virtual reality)’
-          ‘ we all wake up in the morning wanting to live our lives that way we know we should. But we usually don’t’, in small ways. That’s what makes a character like batman so fascinating. He plays out our conflicts on much larger scale’  
-          ‘I feel like that might be a point of interest that a lot of people might be thinking about their own films, so I’ve tried to put in as much of the detail as I can remember. The more I’ve thought about it, the more I’ve realised that everybody’s situation is unique, and the one thing I’ve learned is that instead of copying someone’s else model for a low-budget film, you really have to look at what you’ve got available and see how you can tell the story you want to tell, using the things that you have around you.
-          ‘I always find myself gravitating to the analogy of a maze. Think of film noir and if you picture the story as a maze, you don’t want to be hanging above the maze watching the character make the wrong choices because it’s frustrating. You actually want to be in the maze with them making the turns at their side, that keeps it more exciting.. I quite like to be in that maze’
-          Films are subjective – what you like, what you don’t like. But the thing for me that is absolutely unifying is the idea that every time I go to the cinema and pay my money and sit down and watch a film go up on-screen, I nwat to feel that the people who made that film think it’s the best movie in the world, that they poured everything into it and they really love it. Whether or not I agree with what they’ve done, I want that effort there – I want the sincerity. And when you don’t feel it, that’s the only time I feel like I’m wasting my time at the movies’
-          Films dealt with the human mind - studied psychology in his mind

-          Following_1998, black white, shadowing,  became obsession selecting people

-          Memento_2000, cannot make new memories, last thing he remembers is his wife dying, lies to himself that he’s not a killer and make himself forget, lies to himself to be happy

-          Insomnia_2002, murder is part of the plan, three days without sleep. Make you shadow the character’s feeling, emotion

-          Batman begins_2005, has issues, ‘it’s not who I am under but what I do that defines me’

-          Voice of batman is annoying, looks weird

-          The prestige_2006, magic, first act the pledge, act two the turn, act three the prestige(reputation), humiliation, even kept a secret from his wife who end up hanging herself who became in emotional unstable. Playing doubles, having self-sacrifice, plotting against each other, faking their own death, creates an exact duplicate of an object and leave the original intact. The beginning echoes on how many times he had used the machine and killed his duplicate with the identical top hats made in the process of the machine. Made him go on a wild goose chase.    

-          The dark Knight_2008, continues from batman begins where he is given an evidence of a card of the joker. ‘why so serious?’ ‘let’s put a smile on that face’

-          Inception_2010

-          The dark Knight Rises_2012,

-          Man of Steel_2013, superman

-          Future projects

o   Mr. Hughes

o   The keys To the Street
Political influence within the story
Planting a seed for political reasons, to manipulate their competitor into breaking them from expanding their power. Creating an idea to develop into their gain for Fischer to destroy his father’s empire. Plotting his godfather into going against him in the dream telling him to destroy his father inherit, he can do something better.  Propaganda manipulating fischer
Saito using his influence to clear Cobb from being a fugitive for murder charges against his wife and getting Cobb back into the United States where he can reunite with his children. Trust to the authorities and laws of the state can be change easily with just one phone call from the plane. (Flight from Sydney to Los Angeles) Saito pulling strings to give him offer was confident on that he can do it.
Cobb is architecture story was original
Introduce the physical laws
Highly-concept with dream, reality, sedatives, physics gravitation, guilt, political influence, philosophy
Was it worth 160 million dollars to make this movie?  
The children are not wearing the same clothes but similar 

Plus when he had the sedative and woke up he tired to use the spinner however didn’t have the chance to complete the spin.
They missed the first kick so gravity became the disadvantage of the second kick.
Psychological Recreating technology into contemporary mess with the physics of the dream world
Trapped in limbo lost needed to escape but she didn’t accept so locked totem in her safe  but he planted an idea that her world wasn’t real and that idea stayed with her even after she woke up back to reality. Lose sight on what was real. Limbo became her reality old soul thrown back into the youth mal quotes his words
Nolan Vision helps define Magic and reality intercept  Difference between movies recreating a vision and the reality of dreams  More creative something out of this world where no one’s been before All started at a child­­­
Interview ‘interest in dreams relationship with films trail of dreams of films portal of a dream that you can believe it’s reality that is to say that is the key line in the film dream feel real dream would address in that real way so you can have something extraordinary you are invested in the reality world a movie can open up a world in some place that your mind something where you mind not always go. Dreams private one that tension is interesting to me, idea that there might be a technology that could recusant that tension moves the barriers between the dreams so that you could share the same dream I think the implication is fascinating. Privacy issue. Good thing that people can’t go into other people’s dream good thing that there are aspects in our minds that remain private and individual.’
Emotional level Leo had to carry in the film. The truth of the person he plays. How the emotional truth is guiding the character. Reconcile the mechanistic of the story for the story has to flow. However the matter of whether it’s a dream or not, do mention that it’s best not to recreate on reality reference.  Moment in life that you have to make a choice
Cobb was wearing the ring in the 5th dream when saito becomes old even though he mentally accepted that mal is not real so why still wear the ring?  
Lot of people question whether he was still subconscious or if he was in the reality world at the end of the film. If he were it means inception is possible can can have a dream with a dream possible of amount of 5 times. Cobb forgot he purpose of being in the fifth dream and saito also touch the spinner which has a purpose of defining the reality and the dream. In therapy, possible can use therapy to trace back to their previous life subconsciously In the film doesn’t show clearly on how the process work though so it makes you think further
Reality- actual existing, state of things as they are, the state or quality of being real,
Does it really matter if your reality?  How do people know that they’re not just dreaming?
So is it possible to take a dream further? And dream within a dream
A film that can make every relate since everyone can have their own private dream  
The time between when he left the states and when you got this job, he must have a lot of experience on stealing information from people during that time period which should be illegal, so should he be named as a criminal? Extracting valuable information for other people’s gain in exchange for money.  Cobb starts to lose his control as an extracting with mal trying to jeopardise his plans.
A professional dream researcher believes that the technique to wake Cobb wake from the dream by dropping him in full bath tub which echoes the water exploring into the building in the dream is correct however believes some of theories that Nolan created in the film did not make sense.
Sometime a movie is like a dream, you cannot remember a detailed beginning
Only using a fraction of our brain’s true potentials when we’re awake when we’re awake we can almost do anything use general inspiration to create the dream
Compound added with a sedative in order to go into three levels.

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